Important dates (Deadline extended)
Registration and Submission: Sept. 10th, 2017 Sept. 22th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: Sept. 29th, 2017 Oct. 2nd, 2017
Camera-ready: Oct. 09th, 2017
Brazil has progressively adopted information technology in its elections since the implementation of electronic ballot boxes in 1996, culminating in the present in which biometric identification is within reach of being installed in all electronic voting equipment. However, the participation of academics, particularly those dedicated to Information Security, has had meager participation in this initiative.
The III Electoral Technology Workshop is a scientific event organized as a satellite event of the XVII Brazilian Symposium on Information Security and Computer Systems (SBSeg 2017). The main goal of this event consists in fomenting reseach in electoral technology, integrating the Brazilian community of researcher and professionals interested in issues concerning electronic voting.
Topics of Interest
Authors are invited to sumbit works related directly to the main goal, following an incomplete list of themes:
- Electronic voting systems auditing
- Security analysis and attacks on current systems
- Voter authentication and registration
- Legal aspects and patterns in electronic voting
- Formal elicitation of requirements and security properties
- Independent results verification mechanisms
- Mechanisms for increasing electoral transparency
- New electonic voting systems projects
- Protection of electoral secrecy and results integrity
- Crytographic protocols for electronic voting
- Cryptographic primitives applied in electronic voting
- Voting systems in production or under development
- Usability and acessibility in electoral technology
- Secure voting using physical via physical ballot or via internet
Author information
Submitted articles must present research work with original results, even of a preliminary nature. The presentation of the paper must contain a description of the context in which the work is inserted, rigorous detailing of the research per se or relevant case study, and conclusions that are consistent with the results.
Paper submission must be done exclusively through electronic means, through SBC’s JEMS system ( All papers must be submitted anonymously, in other words, any identifying information in the article’s header, texto, and references which connect the paper to the identity of the authors and their institutions are to be avoided.
Papers must be written in Portugues or English and submitted exclusively in PDF format. Text formatting must follow SBC’s template, have between 5 and 12 pages, including figures, tables, references and appendices. It is expected that longer articles have more definite results.
All papers will be evaluated by a committee of reviewers, following a double-blind review process (without identifying the authors, reviewers, or their institutions). Accepted papers must be presented at the event by one of the author, for it to be published in the event’s proceedings. Presentation duration will be determined in accordance with the number of accepted articles and depth of each individual contribution.
Organization Committee
- Diego de Freitas Aranha, UNICAMP
- Jeroen van de Graaf, UFMG
- Mario Gazziro, UFABC
- Roberto Samarone Araújo, UFPA
- Ruy J. Guerra B. de Queiroz, UFPE