Authors can submit papers in two modalities: full papers or short papers.
Important dates for full papers
Paper registration: Jun. 25th, 2017 Jul. 3rd, 2017 Jul. 10th, 2017
Paper submission: Jul. 2nd, 2017 Jul. 10th, 2017 Jul. 17th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: Aug. 28th, 2017 Sept. 11th, 2017
Camera ready: Sept. 11th, 2017 Sept. 18th, 2017
Important dates for short papers
Paper registration and submission: Sept 10th, 2017 Sept 20th, 2017Sept 18th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: Oct. 9nd, 2017 Oct. 13nd, 2017
Camera ready: Oct. 6th, 2017 Oct. 13th, 2017
The Brazilian Symposium in Information Security and Computational Systems (SBSeg) is a scientific event promoted annually by the Brazilian Society for Computation (SBC). It represents the main forum in the country for the promotion of research results, debates, exchange of ideas, and relevant activities that are related to information security and computational systems, integrating the Brazilian researchers community and professionals of the area. The 17th edition of the symposium will be held from the 6th to the 9th of November of 2017 in Brasília-DF, Brazil.
Topics of Interest
The central theme of the event is information and computational systems security with focus, not exceptionally, on the following topics:
- Privacy and Anonymity
- Applications: embedded, controllers, e-banking, social networks
- Systems auditing and risk analysis
- Databases
- Cloud computing
- Access control, authentication, biometry, confidence, identity
- Cryptography and cryptanalysis
- Computational Forensics and criminalistics
- Safe Hardware: RFIDs, smart cards, sensors
- Internet of Things
- Intrusion: detection, prevention, response
- Cryptographic currencies
- Security policies and regulation
- Intellectual property and digital rights management
- Computer networks
- Distributed and parallel systems
- Mobile systems
- Operating systems
- Ubiquitous systems
- Safe software: development, testing and certification
- Electronic vote
Instructions to the authors
The submitted papers should present a research work developed to a point of bringing original and relevant results that were validated and discussed. Moreover, the presentation of the paper should contain a solid and well-based description of the research work, as well as consistent conclusions based on the obtained results. The submitted works should describe the research activities, relevant experiences and case studies. All papers should be submitted in an anonymous manner, i.e. should avoid any information on the header, body and references that relate the paper to the identity of the authors and their institutions. The papers may be written in Portuguese or English; its format should follow the SBC standard for paper preparation that can be easily found by an Internet search for “sbc template latex”. The papers have a 14 pages limit, including images, tables, references and appendices. The submission of paper will be done exclusively in PDF form, via SBC’s the JEMS system: All papers will be evaluated by a review board following a double-blind revision process (without authors, reviewers and their institutions identified). Accepted papers should be presented at the event by one of the authors so that they can be published at the proceedings. An evaluation committee will choose the best papers from the full papers accepted and presented at the event.
Program Committee
Program Committee Coordinators
- Paulo Lício de Geus, UNICAMP
- Rossana Andrade, UFC
Program Committee Members
- Alberto Schaeffer Filho, UFRGS
- Aldri dos Santos, UFPR
- Altair Olivo Santin, PUCPR
- André Grégio, UFPR
- André Santos, UECE
- Carlos Alberto da Silva, UFMS
- Carlos Eduardo da Silva, UFRN
- Carla Merkle Westphall, UFSC
- Carlos Maziero, UTFPR/UFPR
- Célio Vinicius Neves de Albuquerque, UFF
- Davidson Boccardo, Green Hat Labs
- Denise Goya, UFABC
- Diego Aranha, UNICAMP
- Dorgival Guedes, UFMG
- Edna Canedo, UnB
- Eduardo Alchieri, UnB
- Eduardo Feitosa, UFAM
- Eduardo Góes, DPF
- Eduardo da Silva, IFSC
- Eduardo Souto, UFAM
- Emerson Ribeiro de Mello, IFSC
- Hao Chi Wong, Intel
- Jean Martina, UFSC
- Jeroen Graaf, UFMG
- Joaquim Celestino Júnior, UECE
- Karina Mochetti, UFF
- Leonardo Fagundes, UVRS
- Leonardo Oliveira, UFMG
- Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS
- Luciano Paschoal Gaspary, UFRGS
- Luiz Carlos Albini, UFPR
- Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo, INMETRO
- Marco Aurelio Amaral Henriques, UNICAMP
- Marcos Simplicio Jr, Poli-USP
- Marinho Barcellos, UFRGS
- Marjory Abreu, UFRN
- Mário Sérgio Alvim, UFMG
- Michele Nogueira, UFPR
- Michelle Wangham, UNIVALI
- Miguel Castro, UFC
- Miguel Elias Mitre Campista, UFRJ
- Otto Carlos Muniz Bandeira Duarte, UFRJ
- Paulo André da Silva Gonçalves, UFPE
- Paulo Lício de Geus, UNICAMP
- Pedro Braconnot Velloso, UFRJ
- Priscila Solis, UnB
- Rafael de Sousa Junior, UnB
- Raphael Machado, INMETRO
- Raul Ceretta Nunes, UFSM
- Raul Weber, UFRGS
- Ricardo Custódio, UFSC
- Ricardo Dahab, UNICAMP
- Roberto Gallo, KRYPTUS Segurança da Informação
- Rossana Andrade, UFC
- Routo Terada, IME-USP
- Sergio de Oliveira, UFSJ