Accepted papers
List of accepted papers on WTICG.
Important dates (Deadline extended)
Registration and submission: June 30th, 2017 Jul. 15th, 2017 Jul. 22th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: Sept. 1st, 2017 Sept. 9th, 2017
Camera ready: Sept 15th, 2017 Sept 25th, 2017
The Scientific Initiation and Undergraduate Works Workshop (WTICG), is an integral event of the Brazilian Symposium on Information Security and Computer Systems (SBSeg), looks at incentivizing the participation of undergraduate students and recent undergraduates in the production and promotion of scientific works with themes relating to information security and computer sistems. The 2017 WTICG will occur alongside SBSeg 2017 in Brasília, DF, during the week of 6 to 9 of November of 2017. Eligible participants for WTICG 2017 include currenlt enrolled undergraduate students, or even, recent undergraduates who have earned their degree after the first of January 2017 (the undergraduate student or undergraduate must have their status validated with the appropriate paperwork, which will be submitted along with the work). Authors are invited to submit Scientific Initiation (SI) works, undergraduate essay, software implementations and independent project, finished in 2016 or 2017 or in the process of being completed. Complete works must be submitted under the category “complete works,” while works in progress must be submitted under the category “Poster.”
Since 2016 the CESeg Student Grants, a CESeg (Special Commite in Information Security and Computer Systems), has been established and has as its stated goal encouraging the participation of students in the WTICG. This encouragement includes a subsidy towards undergraduate student registration or recent undergraduates that had their work accepted at the WTICG.
Topics of interest
The main theme of the event is information security and computer systems. In this context, the following incomplete list includes the following themes:
- Systems risk auditing and analysis
- Identity authentication and management
- Access control: models and mechanisms
- Criminalistics and computer forensics
- Cryptography and cryptanalysis: algorithms, protocols, techniques and applications
- Trust management
- Secure hardware: RFIDs, smart cards, and sensors
- Security incidents: prevention, detection, and response
- Security standards and policies
- Compter privacy and anonimity
- Protection of intellectual property and DRM
- Applications security (digital TV, e-banking, social networks, smart grids)
- Datbase security
- Cloud computing security
- Ubiquitous/pervasive computing security
- Internet of Things security
- Network security
- Mobile and embedded systems security
- Distributed and parallel systems security
- Operating systems security
- Secure software: development, testing, and certification
- Techniques and systems for biometric identification
- Secure electronic voting
Complete works
Complete works must be written in Portuguese or English, and have a maximum of 10 pages. Formatting must follow SBC’s standard, available here. Submission myust be done using the JEMS system using only files in the PDF format. The following criteria shall be observed in judging works: originality, relevance, presentation, results and technical quality. Works selected by the evaluation committee will be published (digitally) only if at least one of the authors is registered at the event and presents the work. At the event the three best works in the category “complete works” presented by undergraduate students or undergraduates will be publicized.
Works in progress must be written in Portuguese or English, and have a maximum of 4 pages. Formatting must follow SBC’s standard, available here. Submission myust be done using the JEMS system using only files in the PDF format. This submission category is committed to the submission of works in progress, that have not yet presented consolidated results. The following criteria shall be observed in judging works: originality, relevance, presentation, results and technical quality. Works selected by the evaluation committee will be published (digitally) only if at least one of the authors is registered at the event and presents the work in poster format. At the event the best work in the category “poster” presented by undergraduate students or undergraduates will be publicized.
Program committee
Scientific Initiation and Undergraduate Works Workshop (WTICG) coordinator
- Márjory da Costa Abreu, UFRN
Program committee members
- Altair Santin, PUC-PR
- Anderson Nascimento, UnB
- Arlindo L. Marcon Jr., IFPR
- Carla Merkle Westphall, UFSC
- Carlos Maziero, UFPR
- Carlos Eduardo da Silva, UFRN
- Daniel G. Costa, UEFS
- Diego Aranha, Unicamp
- Edna Dias Canedo, FGA-UnB
- Eduardo Feitosa, UFAM
- Eduardo Souto, UFAM
- Emerson Ribeiro de Mello, IFSC
- João Gondim, UnB
- Jose Antonio Xexeo, IME
- Leonardo B. Oliveira, UFMG
- Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, UFRGS
- Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo, Inmetro
- Michelle Wangham, Univali
- Paulo André da Silva Gonçalves, UFPE
- Rafael Obelheiro, UDESC
- Ricardo Dahab, Unicamp
- Rossana Andrade, UFC
- William de Souza, University of London