Important dates (Deadline extended)
Paper submission: Sept. 8th, 2017 Sept. 28th, 2017
Notification of acceptance: Oct. 2nd, 2017 Oct. 9nd, 2017
Camera ready: Oct. 9th, 2017 Oct. 16th, 2017
Cybernetic Security is critical topic. Security flaws bring serious impacts to the well being of citizens, corporations operations and the stability of nations. The impact of security flaws em dimensions of the society has brought ever more countries to the comprehension that cybernetic security is a state matter – and to investigate ways of dealing with this matter in an effective and systematic manner. The WRAC+ seeks to approximate academy, government and industry to a discussion on how to approach cybernetic security in infrastructure ans critical applications for the well being of the society.
Topics of interest
The WRAC+ seeks advances in two dimensions:
Security requirements: how to establish standards and requirements for equipment, systems and professionals from the security field. How to evaluate risks associated to each application field.
Security Evaluation: how to verify the security requirements compliance by equipments, systems and professionals. Which tests are more effective in characterizing the requirements compliance. Which conformity evaluation schemes are more adequate to each scenery. How to testify the capabilities of professionals and laboratories for the realization of security evaluation activities.
In this sense, the WRAC+ searches for contributions in the following themes.
Risk management and applications to critical infrastructure
- Electricity
- Water and sewage
- Transportation
- Financial system
- Public security e civilian security
Security requirements
- Cryptography patterns
- Software applications
- Smart devices
- Management systems
- Professional capability
- Security in new paradigms: Cloud, IoT, Cyber-Physical
- Privacy and confidentiality requirements
Software security
- Static code analysis
- Dynamical software analysis
- Software tests
- Code overshadowing
- Software incorruptibility
- Software watermarking
Hardware Security
- Physical attacks and countermeasures
- Hardware reverse engineering
- Invasive and semi-invasive attacks
- Side-channel attacks
- Cryptographic processors and coprocessors
- Trusted computing
Instructions for the authors
Each paper should be submitted in an anonymous manner, i.e., they should avoid any informations at the heading, text and references that link the paper to the authors and their institutions.
The papers will be submitted in two categories:
- Full papers: a full paper should present a research work that has been developed to the point of producing original and relevant work that were validated and analyzed. These papers should respect the maximum limit of 10 pages.
- Short paper: a short paper can describe an ongoing research work, report a case experience. These papers should have 4 to 6 pages. The format should follow the SBC standard, available here.
The submission should be made via the JEMS system and only in PDF format. All the papers will be evaluated by a board of reviwers. The accepted papers should be presented at the event by one of the authors, so that they can be published at the event proceedings.
Together with the final version of the accepted works, a copyrights agreement should be sent to the SBC. The copyright should be submitted via JEMS, filling the information related to the event, coordinator(s), paper and authors.
Organizational committee
WRAC+ Coordination
- Raphael Machado, Inmetro
Program committee
- Alan de Sá, Marinha do Brasil
- Alex Garcia, IME – Instituto Militar de Engenharia
- Altair Santin, PUC-PR – Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Paraná
- Claudio de Farias, UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Daniel Menasche, UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Davidson Boccardo, Green Hat Segurança da Informação
- Fábio Borges, LNCC – Laboratório Nacional de Computação Científica
- Luiz Fernando Rust da Costa Carmo, Inmetro
- Marcio Miranda, UFRRJ – Universidade Federal Rural do Rio de Janeiro
- Mário Benevides, UFRJ – Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro
- Paulo Bueno, CTI Renato Archer
- Rodolfo Souza, Inmetro
- Sanderson Barbalho, UnB – Universidade de Brasília
- William de Souza, CASNAV – Centro de Análises de Sistemas Navais
List of accepted papers on the WRAC+
Title |
Authors (Affiliation) |
Caminhos para a Segurança Normalização ou Adequação de Padrões |
Testes de sobrecarga: uma avaliação sobre requisitos de Disponibilidade e Desempenho |